Visiting the University of Lodz Library 

The University of Lodz Library warmly invites all library staff willing to visit our institution and departments. We can host librarians and archivists from all types of libraries.  

During your stay, you will have the opportunity to enhance your knowledge in the field of librarianship and exchange experiences. It will also be a great chance to acquire knowledge and practical skills relevant to your current job and professional development. Additionally, you will increase your knowledge of Polish culture and language, providing yourself with an important life experience. 

About the University of Lodz: 

The University of Lodz, established in 1945, is the largest university in central Poland. The university operates 12 faculties that are located throughout Łódź, almost 30,000 students in over 100 fields of study. UniLodz also has nearly 4,000 employees - researchers, teachers, and administrative staff, as well as participants of doctoral schools. The university has also a branch in Tomaszow Mazowiecki, a library, a publishing house, a kindergarten, a high school, the British International School of the University of Lodz, and the Centre of Polish Language for Foreigners. More information about the University of Lodz can be found here

About the University of Lodz Library: 

The University of Lodz Library (BUŁ) is the largest and most modern of all public libraries in Lodz and its region. Its collections and well-developed search and information facilities are available to researchers and students of various universities, as well as to all residents of the region. The UL Library collections (including department libraries) include almost 3,500,000 volumes, and their readership is over 28,000 people.  

The book collection is multidisciplinary, as it contains documents from all areas of knowledge, with a particular focus on the sciences represented at the University of Lodz. In addition to books and magazines, its resources include carefully compiled manuscripts, autographs, incunabula (15th century), old prints (16-18th centuries), graphics, bookplates, photographs, atlases, maps, notes, plates, leaflets, posters, artistic books, first editions, etc. In addition to traditional sources, the readers have access to digital versions of collections at the Repository and Digital Library of the University of Lodz, and to the latest licensed electronic collections, such as databases, magazines and e-books. 

The University of Lodz Library enriches its collections not only with the legal deposit and purchases, but also with the exchange of publications within an international network of about 90 libraries and education institutions from 27 countries. To find out more please read here

Basic information: 


  • Faculty/Department: University of Lodz Library 

  • Erasmus code: PL LODZ01 

  • Address: Matejki St. 32/38, 90-237 Lodz, Poland

If you are interested in visiting us, please contact:  

  • Name: Aleksandra Chruściel 

  • Position: Independent Post for International Relations 

  • Address: Library of the University of Lodz, Jana Matejki St. 32/38, 90-237 Lodz, Poland 

  • Phone: +48 42 635 60 51 

  • Email: