Digital Library of Scientific Publications 

Academica is the largest full-text database of scientific publications in Poland, covering all fields of knowledge. It contains hundreds of thousands of texts, articles, monographs, textbooks, and scripts. The collection of publications is growing every day! 

ACADEMICA provides: 

  • Publications from the public domain and those available under open licenses or licenses that allow unrestricted use, accessible via any device with Internet access from the website 

  • Copyright-protected publications available at BUŁ on designated terminals (after logging in). 

To use the ACADEMICA terminals, readers must have an active library account. Copyright-protected publications are available on dedicated terminals located in: 

  • Main Reading Room 

  • Historical Reading Room 

Card Number and Password: 

Based on the library card number, the administrator of the University of Lodz Library generates a temporary password, which the reader receives. 


The temporary password must be changed upon the first login to the account. You can log in from any device with network access at You must log in to the library where you are a registered user. Enter the old password (sent by the administrator) and create a new password, which must be at least 8 characters long, including at least one capital letter, one digit, and one special character (! @ # $ %). You must also accept the terms of use of the digital library and save the changed password. 

From any computer with Internet access, through the website, it is possible to search for publications provided by CWPN Academica, check their availability, make reservations, and use publications that belong to the public domain or those that the National Library is authorized to distribute online based on separate agreements (licenses). Thanks to the reservation system implemented in the ACADEMICA digital library, registered readers can schedule their work on the terminals in the library. Reservations for selected items can be made from any computer connected to the Internet after registering with the library. 

Note: On the terminals where scientific publications are available, it is not possible to download or print the viewed materials. 

ACADEMICA - Interlibrary loan system of books and scientific publications 

Cyfrowa Wypożyczalnia Publikacji Naukowych ACADEMICA